March 13, 2005

Skipping the Small Talk

It seems that the theme of my conversations lately have regarded the act of ‘blogging’.  Just yesterday I had a friend ask me, “What’s so great about blogging?”

The answer is simple; there isn’t anything so ‘great’ about blogging. It is what it is. Yet, it makes so much sense for me to do it. I’m growing up today in a technologically savvy generation where literally everything is going web-based and digital. Clearly, I see nothing wrong with bringing my thoughts online.

To me blogging is like having that deep conversation with a friend where you’re past the point of small talk and dig right in to the issue.We all build up models of how we see the world around us. The more information we have, the more we refine our model one way or another. What we ultimately do, is tell ourselves a story of what the outside world is. Any information I absorb from my environment is always coloured by the experiences I’ve already had. I believe Mr. Keating put it well in Dead Poet’s Society when he said, “We don't read and write poetry because it’s cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion."

To blog, to bitch, to better ones-self…whatever you want to call it, simply works for me. Now, no doubt people may disagree with what it is I have to say, but that’s the beauty of it all; it is something I can call my own. However insignificant it may seem in the web world, it’s enough to keep me satisfied simply because I am being true to myself. Beat to my own drum if you will. And right now, the beat is sounding pretty damn nice. Try it sometime.


Anonymous said...

Great job! But next time you write a blog, maybe you should avoid the phenomenological garbage that you think you understand.

Taggio said...

you've onbvisouly missed the whole point of that blog entry.

"Now, no doubt people may disagree with what it is I have to say, but that’s the beauty of it all; it is something I can call my own. However insignificant it may seem in the web world, it’s enough to keep me satisfied simply because I am being true to myself."

Thanks for reading...

Taggio said...

wise words

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